Program Schedule
ASC will be offering fun hands-on programs, “Live” stage performances, paper making and more! Join us every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday!
Science LIVE! Stage Shows: 1:00 PM
Paper Science Labs: 11:30 AM & 2:30 PM
Cost: Children & Adults: $10, Seniors, Active Military & Veterans: $7 & Museum for All: $1/person (5 people per EBT card)
Genome, Cardboard Outside the Box, Tree to Tissue, Health and Hygiene, Fox River Locks, History of Paper, History of the Atlas Mill, Paper Hall of Fame
Explore Science: Earth & Space, Sustainable Solutions, 7 Days of Garbage & Women in STEM Poster Exhibit
Paper Labs: Handmade Paper, pour method. (45 minutes – 1 hour)
Self-guided Activities: Health & Hygiene, Tree to Tissue, Papyrus, Reading Corner, Origami Paper Folding & more
Upcoming Stage:
THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY: 11:00 AM-4:00 PM (Last admission: 3:00 PM)
Paper Labs: 12:30 PM and 2:30 PM
Stage Presentations: 11:45 AM and 1:45 PM